Friday, March 20, 2009

So All May Eat

I saw this on the NBC nightly news. Pretty remarkable what this couple is doing!

And this is what they have to say...
"SAME Cafe is unique in the lack of a set menu as well as set prices. Daily selections are made using fresh, organic ingredients, and funded by the donations of patrons. Instead of a cash register, a donation box is available for one to pay what they felt their meal was worth, or to leave a little more and help out someone less fortunate. If a diner does not have sufficient money to leave, they are encouraged to exchange an hour of service. Our philosophy is that everyone, regardless of economic status, deserves the chance to eat healthy food while being treated with dignity."

Now that's making a difference...


Sandhya Raman said...

We saw a similar news here- a cafe in Kettering, Ohio. -though they did not talk about the "healthy part". Apparently, it is an old tradition in many European small towns too...
Anyways, the "soallmayeat" thing- I registered it as "soul mate" spelled in a sarcastic way!!! Its like how one tries to make sense of the license plates (especially here in the Bay Area where it is rather irritatingly obvious!!!) even if it is just regular random license plate...

Rohit said...

Interesting! "soul mate" from "soallmayeat". It never occurred to me.

But what is with California license plates? Why do Californians have an urge to be "hip"? :)