So we all get angry. I do. I get angry more often I guess. But I can calm myself down pretty soon too. I can hold a grudge sometimes but anger, eh no. It goes up and then low...Well, that's about my anger level and it ain't going to bring any world peace so moving on.
Did you follow FIFA world cup? I am sure you did unless you are in the US of course. I just don't get it. Question to USA - how can you not be the world champions in the one truly world-wide game but be world champions in everything else. Basketball (nba), football (nfl), baseball (mlb) and ice hockey*(nhl). Oh I know, me me me me!!!! are the only country playing. Sure, that's one way to be world champions. However, I should add that the above games are played at the highest level and I love watching NBA and NFL. Recently, I asked someone "do you follow soccer" and his response was "soccer? no...too slow for me...i watch my son's soccer games". No, his son doesn't play for the US soccer team. He is 7. "too slow for me". Are you kidding me? And you find baseball real fast eh? - no offense to baseball fans. So anyway...
Ok, you followed soccer; then you know what went on in the finals between France and Italy. Italy won, went to penalty shoot up, Zidane got a red card, french fans booed...wait, wait, wait - Zidane got a red card? Hey, didn't you read that Italy won? That's ok, tell us about Zidane. Seriously, that is how the media is treating this news. If you google Italy's victory is gone into history books but Zidane head-butting incident still reigns as top story. Well, alright...let's jump into right way. So why did Zidane head-butt Italy's Materazzi? I have read few reports but the 2 most common reports - 1. Materazzi called Zidane a 'terrorist'. 2. Materazzi insulted Zidane's mother and sister. Materazzi - not cool! So Zidane got pissed and that lead to the infamous head-butting incident. Now that's anger! Does he regret it? Don't know. He got sent off the game which went into PSO and France missed one of their shots and france lost. Who knows. If Zidane was still in, he might have scored that. Anyway.....
So Zidane's got anger. For being called a terrorist or because his mother and sister were insulted. Being called a terrorist...Hmm...not freedom fighters like likes to write. Damn, we need that anger in India's leadership. Let's get Zidane to pay a visit to the Dr. Singh, Shivraj Patil and laloo Yadav. If they don't listen to him, give them some head-butting treatment. Although, he might want to go easy on Laloo. The guy has eaten up all of Bihar's treasury and lot of central ministry's treasury so might throw up anytime. Ewwww, on that thought. Damn sissy! So message to the indian leadership - wake the F up! Do something. Those are our brothers and sisters that died. Show some anger! Head-butt the sh** out of LeT and SIMI and all those cowards!
Here is an interesting link my friend sent me about the Zidane incident.
On another topic - Angelina Jolie is starring in the movie they are making about Daniel Pearl's kidnapping and murder by pakistani militants. Yeah, I said pakistani militants - that's how it was written in E! news. Go fight with them if you have a problem. So the pakistani militants, LeT (Lashkar-e-Taiba) kidnapped and beheaded this american journalist and they are making a movie based on his wife's best seller. That's great. At the very least american people watching the movie will curse the crap out of pakistani militants! Gee, if only our leadership acts I wouldn't have to resort to this! Shame on you! Wake up, will you!
Jai Hind!
* NHL - whenever played!
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1 comment:
Well, I do think you have an anger management issue. However, I'm on board with you on your crystal clear views of our insanely moronic political ministers who run the world's largest democracy India.
These so called politicians visit the hospitals where the wounded are being treated. On their way to and from the hospital they talk to the thousands of journalists, share their sympathy with the families of people who lost their lives or are suffering, and condemn the terrorist acts against India. And after that they go home to their 20 room mansions provided by us the people, guarded by at least double the number of security people than before (because there was a security attack in Mumbai and they want protection) paid for by the tax payers of the country, and sip some hard liquor to relax themselves because of what they went through today by visiting the hospitals. Moreover they have to prepare themselves for the next day's hard work, which might include taking a chopper ride above the terror struck areas with a moronic journalist who is recording this for the evening news and some scary looking dude sitting next to the minister showing him something.
For those who might be wondering as to how do I know this. Well it's simple because, this is how I remember watching our politicians on the television when we were growing-up up amidst the hundreds of terror attacks small and big happening in India. Of course not all attacks are known to everyone, because the media has to choose the really exciting ones. Those attacks where only a few people died in some remote city or village of India where the camera crew cannot go, and neither can the ministers guarded vehicles are not that crucial I guess.
The media I think can play a very important role in the Indian political scene and the Indian democracy, but it takes a back seat which I just don't understand. The media channels and newspapers in India have a lot of patience, time, and brains to spend on immaterial controversies about why an Indian Tennis star who happens to be a Muslim should or shouldn't wear short clothes, or why a Bollywood superstar should or shouldn't be sent to prison for killing black buck. You will notice that the media will show you a day-by-day, hour-by-hour account on such things. They will even get down to interviewing the people who were once upon a time associated to these stars, which to them is investigative journalism. My foot! Why don't you spend some time and money now on such terrorist attacks, and do some investigative journalism to find out who did what? Let me think the answer to this for a moment...oh wait that's simple too. Because there's too much of hard work and risk associated to it, and for a change you will be doing your real job.
Can I write such articles to be printed in national Indian newspapers or go on media to tell what dumb-headed morons I think our ministers are...uh..NO! Because that will cost the media company their freedom of press, or whatever the hell it is that they rely upon, and most probably I will either disappear or will be charged for I don’t know…not paying my electricity bill on time and sent to prison for like a year with no contact to my family (does anyone see a patriot act resemblance here). I think in any country the government officials, bureaucrats, judiciary system, and the media plays an important role. If there's a failure in one of these branches, the other should pick it up and correct the situation. But what do you do when all of these four systems fail. That my friend is exactly what India is going through many years now.
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